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Friday, March 11, 2011

Strings by Mavil Bayeta

Once there was a young girl named Nimffa who’s fond of wearing different kinds of shoes. Whenever she goes she loves buying one and kept it on her locker because it will serve as one of her collection, One day while walking across the street, the young lady saw an Old woman whose selling candies, beside her there’s a shoe.  The old woman said that she owns that shoe but she gave the other half to a woman few years ago as a sign of gratitude, by that time Nimffa keeps on wondering where she can find the other half of it, because she noticed something upon looking on the shoe it doesn’t fade, - the color, texture and almost new in physical aspect.

            Then one morning, Nimffa went to her friend’s house to talk about their project while waiting Nimffa saw a portrait of shoes very similar to what she saw in the old woman but there’s an intriguing incident it does not have partner on the portrait. Nimffa found out that the portrait is come from an old woman. She was so amazed because she came to realize that maybe that old woman was the same woman she knew a few days ago. When Nimffa got home she sat beside an old wooden box that produces a noise, she heard a music and it seems that there’s something insides that box. When she opened it she saw one part of the shoe, the left part which is very similar to what she saw in the old woman’s area beside the street and to the portrait. The left shoe utter words, “ COME.. COME.. AND DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO.. I’LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT” .. Nimffa sighed she’s not convince that the shoe is saying those whose words and she thinks that it’s just a mere product of imagination due to pressure of being eager to get what she wants, the other half of the shoe. The left shoe told Nimffa that she have to help the shoe find Emma, his real master the one who owns the pair of shoe.
            Nimffa converse with the left shoe, she found out that long time ago, Emma is a shy type person, she’s good in dancing but her parents won’t allow her to dance because they thought that it’s not good for her besides they want her to focus on her studies especially in academics. Emma had a crush down ton. Emma didn’t even know the name of that guy the only thing she knew is that the guy also loves going to Disco house as a sort of relaxation, Emma was then in the tertiary level but she didn’t even enjoy her college life. Emma wants’ to get the attention of the guy named Reu, he is a kind of guy who is happy go lucky. Emma went to a shopping mall to shop, she saws a pair of shoes, a glittering one, easy to wear and she has heals which more or less make her more stunning and gorgeous.  She bought it. While Emma is in her room she whispered a magic spell on the shoes because she believes that it would help her to catch the attention of the guy whom she really adores. Suddenly, the shoes started to move, dance. She was so shocked at first but when she wears it she turned into a lovely lady. That night she went to the party of her friend, when she’s in the middle of the dance floor an arm grab her in her waist and looked up she saw the most magnetic eyes that she knows very well. That eye, those very eyes was owned by her dream guy, Reu. Starting that night they become too close to each other and eventually become lovers. Their relationship was almost perfect because they have lots of similarities. Until one day, Reu told Emma that he needed to go back to the city to finish his studies he promised Emma that he will visit her often. Days, months had passed but Reu didn’t came back. Emma felt very sad. The day before her birthday she heard news from their common friend that she saw Reu with another girl. On her birthday Emma visited Reu, but when she’s at Reu’s house she noticed that he was with another girl who happens to be pregnant. Emma didn’t utter any single word, she went home broken hearted. She decided to forget the love she had for Reu, she threw the shoes hoping that she will totally forget him.

            Upon hearing the story of Emma and Reu, Nimffa asked the left shoe if the lady named Emma was her grandmother because they have similar name. “Yes, indeed that she is your grandmother” the shoe said.

            There’s no need for the left shoe to find the other half because Nimffa asked the permission of the Old woman if she can buy the other half, the right part. Alright, since you’re a nice lady I’ll give it to you, the Old woman said.
            Both Nimffa and the dancing shoes were very happy, from then Nimffa uses the shoes to go everywhere especially to attend parties and to DANCE ‘TILL SHE DROP.

------------------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------------------------

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