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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Princess Tutu by Paola Abegail Malibiran

Sometimes, destinies are not always what they seem to be. Oftentimes they are the other side of what you really wanted. And oftentimes, they are everything that you could ever hope for. Now, I will tell you a story, perhaps a fairytale about a girl named Azumi, who probably has her own way of describing her destiny. I don’t know if this has a connection with the story itself, but, I’ll still try. Now then, the story goes like this: in a ballet school dormitory lived a young girl by the name of Azumi.

She is an ordinary girl with an extraordinary personality. She loves to dance ballet. And is attending a ballet school where everyone desires to be the partner of a very graceful and handsome prince named Keio. Keio dances ballet gracefully. But his heart is as empty as a shell. He doesn’t express anything for anyone. His emotions are somewhat lacking in him. One fine morning, Azumi decided to go to the Prince’s mansion to see if she could find the prince there.

 When she entered the mansion, she noticed that it was very dark inside. The curtains and windows are closed and she could barely see the furnitures. As she walked inside, she looked for the prince. She searched every room in the mansion and did not find any prince there. Until there was one last room in the mansion that was left. It is located at the topmost part of the mansion. She went to the room and entered it hoping to find the prince there. As she went inside, the room was also dark. But in a little part of the room, she saw a person dancing. The dancer was very graceful and his moves were very refined. She watched the person dance until he was finished.

Then, when the dancer was finished, Azumiclapped her hands with amazement. And when a stroke of light hit the dancer’s face, it was the prince Keio.Azumi was surprised and felt embarrassed at what she did. The prince approached her and asked her if she could dance with him. But as he went closer to her, Azumirefused and just told the prince that his dance was very graceful. The prince thanked her and Azumiran away- leaving the prince all alone.

She ran as fast as she could on her way out of the big, dark mansion. Her heart was beating fast and she was still in shock of what had happened. When she was out, she felt relieved. Azumi did not accept Keio’s offer because she dances poorly when she is an ordinary girl. And she would not want to make a mistake and embarrass herself in front of the prince. She went back to her dormitory at school. Until then she was thinking about the prince’s face. When she looked onto the prince’s eyes, she could hardly see any emotion at all. She felt sad for the prince and wondered why he was like that.

At night, she was having trouble getting some sleep. So she decided to go outside in her most favorite place in the whole school- the garden. Upon arriving there, she felt that she was free and put out her magical necklace. And the magic happened. As soon as she held the pendant in hand, she quickly transformed from ordinary Azumito extraordinary Princess Tutu. She danced gracefully and made her way across the lovely garden. She twirled in the air and danced as she had never danced before. Not knowing that there was someone watching her from the mansion.

As the person was watching the beautiful dancer, he felt a strange emotion in his heart, and that was happiness. And a thing happened that has never occurred before in this person or rather Prince’s life- he smiled.  Watching Princess Tutu dance made him happy because in his heart he knew that there was some kind of a connection between them. A connection that would someday bring them closer together.
Meanwhile, deep in the dark forest, there lies an evil raven who wants the prince all for herself. Seeing the scenario made her furious and devised a plan how she could get rid of the Princess and control Prince Keio’s heart so she can get his affections for her. And so, she thought of using a poisoned raven’s feather to stab into the prince’s heart in order to control his emotions.  And without another word, she left her dark cave and went for the prince and Princess.

But before she could get any closer, she was blinded by the light from Princess Tutu’s dancing. The light made her weak and she was not able to move a single finger. Princess Tutu’s dance was so full of emotions that it struck her evil, deceitful heart. While the prince was watching from the mansion’s window, he saw that the raven was after the princess. And so, he took his sword and ran as fast as he could, out from the dark mansion and into the light which made him want to help the beautiful Princess who was in danger.

When he saw the raven, he pointed out his sword to the black raven and told her to go and leave the princess alone. When the raven heard this, she quickly disappeared without a sight and back to her cave. And Keio turned to the astonished Princess Tutu. Her beauty was like an arrow that struck the Prince’s heart.

When he was about to get closer to the Princess, the princess thanked him and that made him a bit shy towards the princess. When Princess Tutu looked into the Prince’s eyes, she noticed that it was not the same as when she saw it before. She knew that there was something that changed in the prince. And it was that the Prince now has an emotion lingering in his heart- and so that was love.

After that night, they would always meet in the same place at the same darkness of the night to dance together in perfect harmony. They would dance like there’s no tomorrow and feel like the world is their stage. And these events made their feelings grow deeper and deeper for each other. And in the dark forest, the raven would shout with rage at what was happening between the two.

And one night, while the two were dancing together, the raven planned her attack. She hid behind the thick bushes and waited for a chance to stab the Prince’s heart with the poisoned feather. And when she found the chance, she quickly went out of the bushes, aimed for the prince’s heart, and in a matter of moments, the prince was down on his knees and was weak. The poison spreaded quickly across the poor prince’s body making him helpless. Tutu tried her best to help the Prince but the raven threatened her that if she would interfere, she would kill him at once.

The raven, together with the Prince, went back to her cave. And Princess Tutu tried to follow them through the dark, monster-infested forest. But as they went further, Princess Tutu had difficulty seeing through the forest because of the dark mist that covered the entire forest that grew thicker and thicker as the forest widens it’s area. In exhaustion and thirst, Princess Tutu decided to just continue the search up on the next day.

Azumi woke up early, got dressed and went for the Prince in the dark forest. After much searching and walking, she found a dark cave. She entered inside. And at the midst of it, she saw the raven holding the poisoned Prince Keio in captive. She challenged the raven to a battle. And whoever reigns victorious will take the prince. The raven agreed to the deal and the battle started. 

The battle was tough as both dancers wanted to win the prince.  Princess Tutu danced her way towards the Prince and looked into his heart. And she saw that his heart was black and full of hatred, sorrow and pain. She touched it and the poison went away from the Prince’s body and was instantly healed. The raven was furious at what was happening and went to Princess Tutu to attack her. But as Princess Tutu reached for Prince Keio’s hand, their magic started and the dance was made.
As they were dancing, the light from their dance made all the pain, sorrow and suffering and raven go away. The love they had for each other had helped them fight the evil raven. And as everything was all said and done, the Prince confessed his love for Princess Tutu. The princess was in silence and could not say a word. For if she confess her feelings, she will activate the curse set upon her that if she ever falls in love with anyone, she will not be able to confess her feelings because she will slowly turn to sparkles of dust and disappear.

But, looking into the Prince’s eyes, seeing all his love for her, made her want to set aside the curse and tell the Prince how she really feels about him. And she uttered the words: “I love you too. and… goodbye.” The princess turned into sparkles of dust in front of the Prince. Shocked about what had happened to his love, the Prince’s heart was again filled with sorrow and longingness. Thinking about what had transpired in their love story, the Prince still has his hopes up. He still believes that his one true love will come back in his arms and they could once again do their dance that used to be filled with love, passion and emotions.

Every night, the prince would go to their favorite place and dance his heart out. But weakness due to hours of weeping and loneliness made him unable to put grace in his dance and so making him weak and bringing him to the ground. And little by little, small teardrops began to fall on the earth as a sign of his sorrow. And on his side of the ground, he saw some kind of a shadow. And looking up, he saw the most beautiful cure for an aching heart- and sore eyes!

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