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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Little Widow and the Biggest Bobby by Crisanta Morante

In the hill country side of Phrygia, a place where in nobody knows, there was once lived widow who was very lonely.
She wanted to have a companion to make her life complete and happy.
She went to see an old lady who’s later on transformed herself into a beautiful lady- a goddess, the goddess of wisdom. Athena.
The widow momentarily shocked and with her trembling voice she spoke quickly! “I… wanted to have a big companion… so that I will… never get hurt and forsaken anymore. Please tell me where to find one,” she asked the old lady.
“For I am the goddess of wisdom, I can give you what you want but remember; sometimes we don’t see things as they are instead, we see things as we are.”
“Here, take this golden grain. Plant it in a backyard. Then you will see what you want,” the goddess of wisdom said as she disappear like a whirlwind in the sky.
The widow planted the golden grain in her backyard. She guard it watches it every day trying to find if there’s any changes will take place.
Early one morning the widow saw a golden big tree, an oak tree.
“Oh! What a wonderful tree,” she said with so much amazement.
She got one leaf of it, she caress it with her hands, smell it and the last…kiss it and oh!
The leaf was frightened! Trying to get out on her hands and find some place to continue it’s near transformation.
As the leaf falls on the ground it grew bigger and bigger and as it reach the final destination, there came out a big man with a big necklace pearl around his neck.
The man was very handsome, his beauty looks like a god, and his face was heart shape. But he was very big.
She later on called the big man “Biggest Bobby.”
The widow find ways to take good care of Biggest Bobby. She makes clothes for him out of leaves planted on her backyards away from an oak tree which biggest bobby came from. She was happy to see biggest Bobby everyday learn new things from her and from the surroundings.
One evening, the widow awakened by the beautiful songs comes from the backyard. She went there and find no one singing a song. She looked and shout Bobby’s name but nobody answered her, she never received any reply coming from Bobby.
Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!!! Where are you Bobby? said the widow.
The song continues… she walks again and followed where the song were. Her feet was brought her into the oak tree and there she saw a golden light which she saw a big huge. She put her hands on the huge and…
Huh!? A big river? Where do I am? Is there anyone here? the widow ask herself fearfully!
She heard the song again, but this time… melodious birds sing madrigals!
As she listened to the song, the whole river turned into a palace that makes her fears vanish and was turned into joy and amazement. She looks upon her surroundings and there she saw a man standing in front of the palace.
“Welcome my dear little widow! Make it your home, yes! Your home!” said the biggest Bobby.
The widow was surprised as the biggest Bobby looks at her. He was smiling at her as if asking her to come closer to him and feel his love.
“Come! I will never hurt you and leave you like them; I offer you an eternity which you haven’t known before.”  Biggest Bobby encourages her.
The widow comes closer to biggest Bobby unconsciously and she only had awareness as she’s on the front of him.
“My dear little widow, be my love and be my wife.
Then you will be my princess.” said biggest Bobby.
 “Thank you biggest Bobby but I don’t think I can be a good wife to you or either a princess to you!
Look at me! I’m ugly and very little compare to you, because of this nobody wants to be with me. Since my husband leaves me so quickly, I promise to myself that I will no longer find someone to marry.” said the widow.

“My dear little widow! What are you talking about? Did you look at yourself already? Come on! Look at you right now! You’re so beautiful. You’re my princess.” Biggest Bobby said happily.
As she looks at herself…
“Oh my God! Is this really I am? Am I dreaming? Oh how I wish…. I’m not! said the little  widow.
“We sometimes don’t see things as they are instead we see things as we are.” The voice echoes on the whole palace and there she remembered who said that words.
“Faith…Hope…Love… but the greatest of all these is…Love! Athena appears to them.
The opportunity is laid down unto you, grab it and you will be completely happy.” Athena again was gone like a whirlwind in the sky.
“Thank you, biggest Bobby,” the beautiful lady said which was told a little widow.
“Finally, I found my home.”
“These are all yours,” said Biggest Bobby.
Biggest Bobby draws near to the oak tree and gets one leaf and turned it into pearl necklace.
He put a pearl necklace to the lady and kisses her!
Now we’re the same! We’re big, beautiful and handsome! There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” declared the biggest Bobby.
Biggest Bobby  brought the beautiful lady inside the palace and there…
“Thank You!” the beautiful lady whispered as she looks upon the heaven.
 There’s nothing to be worried anymore! And then they express their love with each other.

The End.

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