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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blown Away by Kimberly Mae Manlangit

    It is ridiculous how someone hated the wind, isn’t it? For we know that its one of the most important thing in our lives. But how can be the boy hates the wind? This is how the story goes …

        There was a little boy named Ruru who really hated the wind, it wasn’t the boy’s fault but the wind started it all. One Saturday morning, Ruru is playing a kite with his friends. It was a beautiful day for Ruru but it was ruined by the wind when it suddenly blew his brand new kite right smack into the branches of a tree. Ruru’s heart was torn into bits just like his kite. The next day, after his mother hanged his shirt in the clothesline, the wind blew and put his shirt in the mud. The little boy didn’t do anything but he got so mad that his face darkened much like his soiled shirt. And every time he walked home from school, lots of dry leaves are swirling around his face so he couldn’t see anything. The wind seemed to enjoy doing nasty things to Ruru.

        So nobody could really blame Ruru for hating the wind and nobody blamed him for what happened next.

       The story goes that on his birthday, Ruru received an expensive jacket from his Auntie from New York. He really appreciated it and he took good care of it. He is so excited to show it to his friends and tell them that it’s from his Auntie who lived in America. And while he is wearing it, the wind blew strongly.

        “Hoooh…Hoooh...Yooohooooooh” The wind said.
        “Fly jacket, Fly!” The wind added.

        The wind tried desperately to take the jacket away. It blew so hard that Ruru almost fell to the ground. He gradually cries when he saw his new jacket floating in the air with the dry leaves.

        “You’re so bad wind! I hate you!” Ruru said.

         Ruru ran home, he went to his bed and cry, cry, cry. While he is crying, he remembered all the nasty things that the wind did to him until he didn’t notice, he fell asleep. In his dream, the wind get him and he floats in the air; he seemed like Superman, Batman and the other heroes who can fly. While he is floating in the air, a big bird suddenly took him.

         “Stay away from me ugly bird!” He screamed.
         “Kukukkukuk… No! I and my children will going to eat you” The bird replied.
         “No, no, no!” Ruru Answered.

         He cry and cry and he didn’t notice he woke up. His mother heard his voice and asked:

          “What happened my son?”
          “Nothing my mother, it’s just a dream.” Ruru answered.

          After he fixed his bed, Ruru decided that if there was any “getting” to be done, he’s going to be the one to do it. Today, he will going to get the wind. He wants to show the wind that he was brave and strong.

          “I’m already eleven years old, I’m almost a man. And mother told me that I am the man of the house after my father died five years ago.” He said to himself.

          The thought excited him so much that he ate three plates of rice and 3 pieces of chicken and he will became strong so that he can catch the wind easily. After that, he searched the old closet until he found what he wanted, the great bed sheet that his father had died on. Ruru touched one end of the sheet to his cheek and said:

          “Today, we are going to do a good deed.”

          The sun shines bright, it smiled on the boy as he walked to the school. Books on his one arm and the great white sheet folded on the other. The sun got curious when the boy suddenly hid his books behind some bushes.

           “Where are you going little boy.” The sun asked.
           “I am going to catch the wind!” Ruru proudly answered.
           “Hahahahaha!” The sun laughed.
           “Why are you laughing Mr. Sun?” Ruru asked.
           “Are you crazy? You can’t get the wind, it’s big and strong!” The sun said.
           “The great white sheet is bigger and stronger; my father’s spirit will help me.” Ruru replied.

           The little boy hurried away, he’s very excited to get the wind.

            “It’s going to be a beautiful day!” He murmured.

            The wind was nowhere in sight but Ruru was sure that he could find it in the church tower. And then he went to the church.

             “Have you seen the wind?” Ruru asked the church bells.
             “No, Thank god! Were lucky that the wind will not going to ruin our good mood today.’ The church bells answered.

              Ruru went to the field and while he’s walking, he is praying that he could see the wind.

              “Where are you Mr. Wind?” Ruru screamed.
              “I’m here little boy! Do you want to play with me?” The wind said.
              “No, I don’t want to play with you!’ Ruru answered.
              “Woooohhh-woooooh-wooooh” Cried the wind.
              “What a beautiful sheet! I love it, I love it.” It added.

              Ruru quickly unfolded the great white sheet and grasped its four corners. The wind tried to take the great white sheet away. But the boy gave a mighty leap and caught it inside the sheet.

              “Let me go little boy!” The wind cried.
              “No!” He said.

              The wind blew hard and fast, trying to steer itself from the great white sheet. It blew the sheet up in the air, taking the boy with it. High above the village, they flew fast over the market and the schoolyard and by the riverside. Ruru’s tired arms begged to release their powerful burden but the boy’s heart refused. At last, they flew over the boy’s house. Ruru saw his mother crying and begging him to go down. The boy’s heart filled with pity. His hands released its hold on the sheet so the wind was free again. From that time on, the wind kept away from the boy and his possessions.

              The boy was very tired. Before he will go to sleep, he looked outside the window and Ruru saw the wind. The wind smiled at him and said:

              “What a brave little man! I love you, I love you! Sorry for all the things that I have done to you. It’s just all a test to know if you’re brave.”

              The boy felt a cool breeze on his face and smiled. Then he answered:

              “It’ all right now, thank you and I love you too.”

1 comment:

  1. Good story line. Hope you read it one more time and try to fix some grammatical errors. ;)

    Also, next time.. Try to be more descriptive about the environment rather than stating what's happening. Use 5 senses to enhance the mood of the story. ;)

