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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bookmark by Ma. Niña Archangel

“Good morning Mama, Papa. “
            Alice woke up with the smile in her face while looking in the picture of her parents.
            “Another day has come, and another morning that you’re not here by my side… Ma, Pa, I know that, even though that we can never see each other again. You’re always watching me and always support my decisions. I love you Mama, I love you Papa. “
            Alice look at her favorite book that were given by her father, that was the last birthday gift that she received. Also the bookmark that she treasured and that was the last thing that was given by her mother.  After preparing herself to go to her work, she first went in her favorite café.”
            “Good morning Ma’am, what’s your order?”
            “Brewed coffee and strawberry cake.”
            While waiting for her order, she places her book in the table and looked for her phone. She noticed that man in front of her. While looking at him, her friend Elise arrived.
            “Alice ! Good morning,” Elise greeted her and smiled at her.
            “Ah, Elise Good morning” Alice said.
            “Is he the man who completed your morning? Ha-ha, I noticed that while looking at him you smile at yourself.”
            “Are you crazy? Ha-ha I just remembered something.”
            “Ah well he’s handsome?”
            “Elise, stop it, let’s go its already time”.
            Carlos the man sitting in front of Alice, noticed her already before she noticed him . She’s beautiful and attractive. She’s very simple
He noticed the bookmark left by Alice in her table. Carlos picked it, and he saw the name on the back part of it.
            “Alice” Carlos smiled while saying her name.
            In her office, Alice looks for her book and she didn’t find her bookmark. She remembered that she put her book in the table but then she didn’t notice that her bookmark was lost. She went back to the café to check if it’s still there. Unfortunately she found nothing.
            “Mama, sorry I lost the last thing that you’ve given to me.” Alice felt so sad because on what happened, that was the last memories that she from her mother.
            The next morning when Alice is in the café she noticed the book in front of her table, Between the middle pages of that book was a bookmark. It looks familiar to her, she went on the table and look around on her surroundings, because the owner of the book was not there. She get the bookmark and luckily she found out that it is the thing that she’s looking for.
            “Is that yours? Carlos said.
            Alice got shock in the man that talk to her.
            “Yes, this is mine, when did you get this? Alice answered, but she’s afraid to look at her back.
            “Well, I found it here last morning, the bookmark fell on the ground and I picked it up and I’m looking for you to give it back but I can’t find you.” Carlos said while smiling at Alice.
            Alice look at him and said? Can I get it now? And thank you for keeping this bookmark; you don’t know how important this is to me.”
            ”Sure, I’ll keep it because I know that , that’s the bridge for us to meet again.”
            “Hah, Ammm, do I know you? Alice said
            “Unfortunately not, You’re Alice right? And I’m Carlos”
            “Nice meeting you Carlos,” Alice said
            “And it’s a pleasure to see you again Alice.”
            Alice don’t know what to do, she’s really attracted to Carlos and now she don’t know on what Carlos is trying to say.
            “Alice, if you don’t mind but I want you to know more, can we just spend a little more time?”
            “Sure” Alice agreed on Carlo’s favor.
            They spent their time in knowing each other and Alice told him the value of the bookmark that he found.
            “Carlos, I think I have to go, I still have things to do. “ Thank you again, for keeping this. “Alice said to Carlos.
            “Hope to see you again, Alice, Ill just call you later, take care.”
            Alice left the café with the smile on her face. When she reached her house, she went back to the things that happened.
            “Ma, you know what, the bookmark serves as the bridge for me to meet Carlos again. He’s so nice and now were already friends. I’m happy because you make a move for me to know another man.” Alice said while holding the picture of her mother.
            Another month has passed, Carlos and Alice stays as friends, but they don’t know that behind their friendship is their feelings for each other.
            One day when Alice and Carlos decided to go to café where they met, Alice gave him a  bookmark.
            “For what is this? Carlos said while smiled at Alice.
            “Remember the bookmark was the reason why we met, and I want you to give a bookmark so that you will not forget the first time we met.”
            “Why would I forget it? We can’t have each other because of it. And we will never be good friends if I don’t found it. Alice I think this is the right time for me to say this.
Alice I like you, since the first time I saw you. “Carlos confessed to Alice with all his heart.
            Alice smiled at him and holds his hand.

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