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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

On A Second Thought by Ma. Elaina Nuwee Alnen Duarte

“Who’s in for some booze?” Raliane read as she opened the text message of Sharry, her elementary classmate and long-time friend.

Raliane stared at her phone and finally sat on her bedside for a long time after thinking if she would accept Sharry’s invitation. Finally, she stood up, walked into her closet and picked the black sequined micromini skirt, a black tee, a silver sequined jacket and her Grecian sandals. As she sat in front of her dresser, Raliane reached for her red lipstick, pink rose blush and pressed powder, she put it in her purse and left the room, thinking of having yet another party night.

“Mom, I’m going to my classmate’s house, we’re going to finish our project tonight”, Raliane shouted to her Mom, as she walked towards the gate.

Her mom, who was busy preparing for dinner, had no time to reply since Raliane had already closed the gate.

“I’m ready Sha. Who’s in?  will it be in our usual hangout?”, Raliane texted.

She stood on the sidewalk for about ten minutes until she read the message-“we’ll be waiting for you. The girls are here in my place.” So , Raliane hurriedly hailed a cab and went to Sharry’s place.

                Raliane was not prepared on what to expect. She was thinking that it would be another one of those drinking sessions they always have. Turns out, the girls were not only drinking but they were smoking pot as well. She had the surprise of her life as she had not even dared to try drugs, but with her friend’s persistence and advice, she gave in.

                “It won’t hurt you girl, trust me. It will make you feel better, if not best.” Sharry’s voice continued to linger on Raliane’s mind the next day.

 It was seven in the morning and she haven’t slept a wink. She was trying to finish her Geometry assignment on proving.

“ I used to be good at this. Why can’t the answers come? Raliane, THINK! THINK! THINK!”, Raliane said to herself.

She was uneasy, nervous and anxious all at the same time that she decided to just close her notebook and sleep.
                “KRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!”. The school bell rang and it signified the start of her formal classes.
The first and second period went on like a breeze. Raliane’s mind was wandering, as she could not focus on the lectures.

“ It will be better to go home. I would not benefit anything from these discussions.” she thought as the professor droned endlessly on the lecture about Philosophy.

She then thought of Sharry and decided to text her. “ Sha, I have nothing to do. How about some quality time?”.

For a while, Raliane had second thoughts of sending that text message, she was having doubts. “I’m going to be like this forever”, she thought.

                In a blink of an eye,  she suddenly found herself on Sharry’s place tinkering on pieces of aluminum foil and passing them to her so called” girlfriends”.

“You know what girls? I’m really having difficulty in my studies- my professors are boring, my classmates are nerds and the subjects are useless. School’s a bore. I’m gonna quit.” Sha shared to the other girls.

                Raliane wanted to say something, she wanted to agree with what Sharry was saying, but she can’t move a single part of her body. She was completely immobilized, unable to move even the tip of her finger.
For the first time in her life, Raliane felt so helpless that she began to pray-  “ God, I know you have a purpose for everything, but please, don’t let this be the end of my life. I’m not prepared just yet.”  Yes, she was surrounded by friends, but they could not do anything about the situation. The last thing Raliane remembered was Sharry slapping her face. Raliane was induced to a very deep sleep.

                She found herself walking on a narrow brick path in a forest. A man, who had almost the same facial features as her- a receding forehead, straight,short hair, almond- shaped eyes, semi-flat nose, and thin lips. He was tall and lanky and from what he was wearing, Raliane could conclude that he was a beggar. She was surprised as the man began to talk to her.
 “Young lady, what are you doing with your precious life? You think you can get away with your deceits, lies, and alibis. You cannot escape from it. What you are going through right now is temporary-it shall pass too. Stop, my dear,while you have the time.”

Puzzled, Raliane pushed the man away and ran toward the end of the dark path. But a bright ray of light shone from the end and with it, a loud, thundering and powerful voice spoke,” My Dear Child, open your heart and begin to see the good things around you.”
                “ Girl, what happened? “, the red-eyed Sharry asked.

 “ No, nothing, I’m going home.” Raliane replied as she walked towards the door.

“ This would be the last time I’m going to set foot on this house and talk to these girls.”, Raliane thought deep inside.

She had decided to make a 180 degree turn from her life. As she walked outside, she realized that she had not felt the certain happiness and contentment before. The afternoon sunshine did lighten her up.


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