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Friday, March 25, 2011

AreYou A Witch? by Marlon Zulueta

They were drunk that night. The celebration is caused by the promotion of Elton from being store assistant manager to manager. For him, this symbolizes the increase in salary and less work. All his life, he dreamed of the position. He will and now the boss. He hates it every time his boss is shouting to him. But now, the revenge is around and the throat is prepared to shout.
With a smile, Elton took his phone and dialed his best friend Jayson. He is the only person Elton thought to celebrate with. Ever since, Jayson is around, always around, every time Elton needed him.
Jayson answered. Elton told him to come because they will celebrate. His voice is loud as if he wanted all the people around him to know that he was promoted. But only one of those people, almost ten individuals, looked at him. With disappointment, Elton repeated his words as if begging for the presence of his friend, but in a boastful manner again. His friend seemed to agree with him because after the begging part, he stated the place and time of their meeting.
Before leaving the store, there is a huge smile in his face. Looking in all the walls of the store, Elton exhaled slowly as if telling himself for a job greatly done. Or a dream is to change because the goal is to be achieved tomorrow.
Elton carries his bag and says bye to the employees. Even he gives them the smile of success, the employees never replied for they know that tomorrow will not like the same. They hate Elton for his boastfulness. They don’t have choice or to lose their job.
Elton arrived in the snack bar. This is the place where he planed to celebrate. Jayson is waiting outside the bar when he arrived. He wears brown t-shirt, jeans and white shoes. His hands are in his pocket when Elton arrived in the bar. Elton walked faster when he saw Jayson. They made a hand shake upon being together. Elton asked him for how long he had been waiting there. Jayson then answered that he is just a minute earlier than him. Then, they entered the bar and got drunk all night.
It’s half past one when they decided to go home. The two friends have the characteristics of still being calm and minded even when drunk. They left the snack bar standing straight and there are no signs of drunkenness in their faces.
They waited outside the bar for a cab. While waiting, there is a beggar who came near to them. The beggar made a nape of finger to Elton twice and lends a hand to him as to look begging some amount. The other hand of the beggar is in her stomach and her face look so pale but dark. She is an old lady wearing black shirt. The shirt may be red before but became black because of pollution in streets. Her skin is dirty and wrinkled because of her age. He has long dirty finger nails and she only has one tooth in the upper gum. And, she has long hair.
“Sir, please give me some amount”, the old woman begged Elton.
Elton was so shocked with the face and the image of the old woman. There is a sudden silent when Elton looked at the old woman. He doubt if he will give or not. Jayson did not say anything.
“Please sir. I’m not yet eating for two days!” The old woman speaks again.
“Go away!” Elton made a hand sign for the old woman to go. His voice is loud and mad.
“I don’t have anything to give you. And besides, I’m working hard for my money and so do you!” Elton said to the old lady. Jayson only looked at him but holds him in elbow part arm to tell him to stop and leave.

“You’re so cruel. You will never forget this day.” The old lady said in a soft but terrifying manner. Elton’s face never had of becoming afraid to what the old woman said. His face is mad and his eyebrows get near that made him looked unafraid.
The two friends walked away from the lady. Then there was a cab arriving. Jayson raised his hand call the cab. While traveling, elton’s face changed. From being mad, his face transforms into afraid mode. He is nervous. His heart beats fast.
“What’s wrong?” Jayson asked while looking into Elton.
“Nothing”, Elton said but his lying. Suddenly, Elton feels something in his stomach. It’s aching. He put his two hands in his tummy to reduce the pain. But it doesn’t work. He asked the driver to stop in a pharmacy. Then they dropped in a medicine shop. Elton hurried to the pharmacist and asked to have a painkiller medicine and bottled water. Upon receiving his orders, he immediately drinks it.
While drinking, Elton hears gunshots. He runs hurriedly to the cab. He almost forgot his stomach ache. He’s nervous. He looked at the driver. He’s dead. Then he looked at the second window glass. Jayson is lying in a long back seat and there is blood flowing from his head. He’s dead. Elton’s eyes are in shock. It’s wide open and some tears flows from it. His hands are shaking and he doesn’t know what to do.
Elton immediately took his phone and calls the police. He is in a hurry. He cannot be calm that moment. All in his mind is his best friend is dead and somebody killed him.
While in nervous and in grief, Elton cannot do anything in Jayson’s body. His hands are wet together with his cell phone. Elton is seating in a tree side near the pharmacy and the cab where Jayson’s body is still lying.
Elton is thinking of what will happen next when somebody touched him. Elton slowly turns his head to look who the person is. The feet of the person are dirty and she doesn’t have any slippers. The legs are dark because of the dirty air. The shirt is black. Her hair is long. She has a skin of an old man and has one tooth on her upper gum. Elton got more nervous and become afraid. He was shocked again and mute this time. He doesn’t know what to do. In his mint he said “the witch”.
Suddenly, anger came up into his mind. “You are the witch who killed my brother!” Elton concluded. He repeats it for the second time but louder this time. The old lady got shocked of his words and moves one step backward away from Elton. With great anger, Elton stood up and pushes the old lady. The beggar asked Elton to stop from pushing her. But Elton continued pushing her. He pushed and pushed until they have gone to street.
The old lady had the chance to run. She shouted for a help and run away from Elton. While crossing the street, a container truck hit the beggar. Elton saw how the old lady fly off and bounce to death. Elton was stocked in his place upon looking to the old lady’s death.
“I’m the witch.” Elton said. 

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