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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Curse by Sarah Jane Magcaling

In a place with full of white mushrooms and flowers can be found a lot of fairies which wings are brilliantly attractive. All women fairies in white mushroom kingdom were given a natural beauty and each of them has their own talent. Their skin is smooth and white as a precious pearl in the sea, and their lips are naturally painted with red. They have beguiling eyes and a perfect pointed nose. Their body is shaped perfectly; their hair is soft as cotton.
   Likewise, male fairies were all given with perfect physical appearance too! Their beautiful smile can attract women fairies .Their  voice sounds with gentleness that matched with their perfect built body. All of these fairies in white mushroom kingdom always spend their time every night in the garden of begonia wherein they fly freely, share their talents and talk with each other.
    One night in the castle, there was a fairy that was staring in the sky, looking at the moon and the stars; she’s waiting for a falling star.
   “The beauty and this extraordinary wings I have had no use in my life.”

   The fairy is very lonely, her heart carrying a lot of pain that always made her cry. She rarely visits the garden of begonia. Though all of the women fairies were all given a beauty and attractive wings, many of her fellow fairies envied her.
  “Knock, knock! Princess Risseca your friends are waiting for you, they want to take you with them in the garden.”

  Princess Risseca was still staring in the sky, looking at the moon and the stars, waiting for a falling star. Once again the Old servant knocks in the door of her room and she maximized her voice so that the fairy princess will hear her.

“Princess Risseca are you there? Your friends are waiting for you; they wanted to take you with them in the garden”.

  Still, the fairy princess was staring at the sky, the moon and the stars, waiting for a falling star. The old servant get tired of knocking outside the fairy princess room so she decided to get the key and open it. When the old servant opened the door she saw the fairy princess looking at the sky and the old servant started to ask her.

“My dear Princess, I’m knocking here outside your room for about a half hour and still, you’re not opening the door. I’m worried!”

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Promised I will not lock the door and let it unlock anytime.”

“That’s ok Princess Risseca, besides you should not say sorry with me. I’m just a servant here but remember you already promised that before. I think that is the 10th times.”

Risseca laugh as if there is no loneliness in her heart.

“Next time, promised I will! Sorry again. Why did you came here in my room? Does my fairy queen mother want to tell something?”

“No, your friends are going in the garden of begonia I just want to ask if you will go with them. They’re waiting for you now in downstairs.”

“I’m sorry, tell them I’m sorry for waiting me but I can’t go with them.”

“Why? Princess Risseca go with them and have some fun. I want you to be happy.”

“Going in that place makes me sadder. I really wanted to have some fun, talked with a lot of male fairies and share my talents but it will make no sense at all. Whenever I went in that place the pain here in my heart became more painful.”

  The loneliness started to appear in princess Risseca’s face. She stands up and lay in her beautiful bed that made from petals of a pink rose.

“Hurry and tell them now. They are waiting for me for about an hour. Tell them my sorry.”

“I will my beautiful princess. I leave you now and you must sleep early here in your room, don’t sleep very late. Have a goodnight.”

  The old servant goes downstairs and tells what Risseca’s told her. Princess Risseca’s friend leave in the castle and went in the garden of begonia. The beautiful voice of female fairies can hear everywhere in white mushroom kingdom. The male and female fairies dance with joy and gracefulness. Everyone in the garden of begonia was very happy again when the night ends.
  The morning comes, the sun is smiling and the flowers started to bloom. A bird sings and the fairies are playing. Some were going in the garden of bluebells to find foods and those who went last evening in the garden of begonia were still sleeping.
  The fairy princess woke up and goes down in her bed that made from petals of pink rose. She stretches her hand and arms and slowly opens her beautiful and glittering wings. She looks very far in to her window, and she began to think.

“The best thing that I can feel is every time I woke up in the morning and saw the beautiful flowers, smiling sun and the big mushrooms outside this window. It makes me forget the pain I have in my heart. I wish male fairies could also see me attractive and beautiful as what I saw every morning here in the window of my room.”

 Princess Risseca started to be sad again and she looks very far outside the window to forget the loneliness the she felt at that morning. She walked around .she began to think and talk with herself again.

“All of female fairies envied me and the elders always telling me that I have a good heart but still, male fairies don’t like me! There’s a lot of question in my mind and I need an answer with that. Maybe this is the right time to ask my mother to tell me the truth. I can’t resist this sadness anymore.”

 Princess Risseca went outside her room. She slowly opens her big beautiful wings and started to fly. She flies around inside the castle that made from precious stone and big mushrooms until she saw her mother sitting in its throne. The fairy queen looks at her daughter with the smile in her lips.

“Good morning princess.  It so nice to see your lovely face in the morning .why it seems that you are sad? Let me give you a hug my daughter.”

  Princess Risseca goes near in her mother’s throne. The fairy queen hugs her and Risseca hug her very tight.

“My princess, is there any problem? I don’t like to see you like that. You are a princess. The smile and happiness must be seen in your face .what’s bothering you? Tell me.”

“Mother, tell me the truth. Why is it hard for them to love me?

“Who? My daughter, all people here in our kingdom loves you. Don’t you see every female fairy envied you? They also wanted to have beautiful wings like you. The elders really like you because you are an intelligent fairy. And I, I gave all the love that you needed. “

“Yes I know that, I’m very much contented with the love of other people and from you. But you missed out to mention the love came from a man! Why is it hard for them to love me? I never experience to love by a man even my own father; I never seen his face since I was young!”

  The fairy queen was shocked! She didn’t know how she was going to escape with the secret that she doesn’t want the princess to know. She didn’t know how to answer this question.

“I don’t know, that’s not important at all. Just wait for the falling star every night and that can answer your question.”

“No! Mother please, I’m begging you tell me the truth. You are my mother and I know that you know the secret behind it! Please tell me before I die because of loneliness!”

   Princess Risseca and her fairy queen mother stop arguing when the knight came and telling news in the queen.

“My majesty, the king fairy in blue mushroom kingdom was going to visit in here to talk with you.”

“Now call the entire servant and the knights! We need to prepare our kingdom for this event!”

 All the servants and the knight went to queen. While the Queen forgot her daughter Risseca. Princess Risseca does nothing but to stand in side of her queen mother’s throne and she’s still waiting for an answer. She attempts to ask her queen mother again but the Queen started to speak.

“We have a big event tomorrow for the king of blue mushroom kingdom and especially for my daughter Risseca. All of the knight must go around here in our kingdom to invite all the fairies .tell them to be prepared with their talents .all of the servant should stay here in our castle to prepare foods and make our castle elegant. Start your work now!”

Princess Risseca looks in to her mother curiously But she still remain silent.

“Wait, you old servant since you are the one who always took care with my daughter I want you to make a beautiful dress that made from a petals of red and blue roses for my daughter.”

“I will my majesty”

  All of the servants began to collect flowers and precious stones for the decoration in the castle. The knights leave and went to different houses in white mushroom kingdom .Princess Risseca decided not to convince her mother because she is also excited with the event in their castle tomorrow evening with her hopes that male fairies would notice her beauty in that night. She went to her room with the old servant to measure the size of her body. That is the only night that the princess did not look at the window wherein that night a lot of falling star falls. And the queen remains thinking about the event and what Princess Risseca’s asked to her.
  Another morning came again. Fairies woke up very early. That morning was different. There are no fairies that are playing and none of them went in the garden of bluebells .all fairies were busy for making their dress, some were making accessories that made from a nectar of flower and some male fairies are practicing their dance that they need to present in the event.
  In the castle, princess Risseca woke up early, she stands up from her bed and look outside the window of her room. She stretches her arms and hands, and then she slowly opens her beautiful and glittering wings. That morning a smile can see in her face.

"I never felt this feeling before. I wish one of the guests in our castle this evening will notice my beauty. This is the day. The day that I ‘m always waits. I must go around the white mushroom kingdom and check our whole castle.”

   Princess Risseca went through the window and she fly freely. She’s looking with all the fairies in white mushroom kingdom.

“They are also excited as me. Female fairies were preparing their own dress and the male fairies they are good in dancing.”

  Princess Risseca is happy on what she saw in their kingdom and she became more excited. While she’s flying, her friend Lila went beside her.

“Princess Risseca, I’m happy that you go here outside the castle and now you are using your wings to fly around here in our kingdom. Your wings are so lovely. It really shines and that is so big. Look mine, it’s so small and not shining whenever I fly. Honestly, even I’m your friend I still envy the beauty you have.”

“Lila, my friend. You should accept the beauty you have! Our God gave us our own beauty and we should accept it with our heart open. You are also beautiful as me and see, male fairies adores you especially Rewa, the one who is very handsome and very good in dancing. I’m the one that should envy you.”

“Princess Risseca You have a good heart and got all the perfections. Does any of the male fairies in our kingdom was already set to be your future husband? I’m sure he really loves and adore you.”

   When princess Risseca heard Lila’s question the smile in her lips fade. She remembers how lonely she was for having no male fairies that adore her. Lila is still waiting for princess Risseca to answer but the princess remains silent.

“Princess Risseca what’s wrong?””

  Princess Risseca looks in a very far place and seems that she didn’t heard Lila’s question. She forgot the elegant dress that she is wearing in the event and her faith that male fairies will notice her beauty.
  Princess Risseca and Lila keep on flying .Lila noticed that princess Risseca is out of its mind so she talks again to the princess.

“Princess Risseca it seems that you are sad .what’s wrong? Maybe I can help you. Tell me my friend.”

  Princess Risseca looks at her with a sad face and speaks with a soft voice.

“Nothing, I’m just only thinking about the event that is going to happen this evening. I need to go in our castle now, see you later .Be beautiful you can be this coming night. Lot of male fairies is attending. Bye Lila.”

  Princess Risseca fly far way to her friend Lila .Lila looks at her curiously while Risseca is slowly fading in her eyes. Princess Risseca went in the garden of Mycenae. She sat in one of the mushroom and slowly closes her wings. She is dancing while jumping in different flowers. Princess Risseca became tired and fell asleep in the middle of the biggest flower.
    In the castle, while the princess was still sleeping in the garden of Mycenae. The old servant had finished the dress she made for the princess. She went to the queen and presented it.

  “My majesty, I want to present you the dress that I made for your daughter. It is made from blue and pink petals of rose as what you have said.”

   The old servant called the other servant to carry the dress in front of the queen. The queen’s eyes open widely and she stands up from his throne when she saw the dress.

“That is. That is perfect. Beautiful and elegant like my daughter. Thank you very much for commanding my request. This is more than what I expected. How did you made this dress for only one night?

“I and some of the servants work together and gave our best to finish the dress because we want the princess to be the most beautiful fairy this night.”

“I want Risseca to fit that dress now. Call her.”

“My majesty, she’s not in her room now and I’m also looking for her but I can’t find her even in her own room.”

“Where is my daughter?’’

“I don’t know my majesty, but don’t you notice that the princess went outside the castle? She didn’t do that for a very long time. Maybe she’s happy now that’s why she went outside the castle.”
“I hope that my daughter is really happy like what you are saying now. I often saw her face sad. I hope that the curse will fade before she will die because of desperation.”

“What are you talking about my majesty? What curse did you mean?

  The queen accidentally mentioned the secret to old servant .her heart beats fast and she sweat a lot then she look to the eye of an old servant.

“I said bring the dress in Risseca’s room and put it on her bed. Let the princess surprise when she enter the room and saw that beautiful dress.”

“I will my majesty.”

  The old servant went to Princess Risseca’s room and laid the long sparkling dress with petals of pink and blue rose then she close the door and leave .the old servant goes back to another work in the castle.
   The sun is slowly fading when princess Risseca woke up. She stretches her arms and hand and slowly open her eyes. She saw that the sky is getting darker and it made her nervous because she remembers the event in their castle. She started to fly and leave the garden of Mycenae.
  “It’s getting darker. I hope that I’m not late. I need to fly faster.”

  In her way going to back in their castle she saw the other fairies from blue mushroom kingdom, the king and its son. Princess Risseca fly faster to be the first to arrive in the castle. Soon, she is already in the castle. Princess Risseca enters inside and saw everywhere the precious stones and the most beautiful mushrooms. She was amazed on what she saw.

  “I never had seen our palace as beautiful as this. This is very different. And all of guests they are more beautiful and well prepared with more than what I expected. “

  The princess was very amazed then she remembers that she needs to prepare herself because the blue mushroom fairies are near in their castle. She fly going into her room and forgot to go in her mother’s throne. The old servant was very worried and the queen told a knight to find Risseca. The princess opens the door of her room and saw the lovely dress in her bed. She touches it and took in her body.

“This is beautiful. The most beautiful dress I’ve seen in my life. I always wear a lovely dress but this one is the prettiest. I need to wear it now before it’s too late.”

  While the princess is changing her clothes the queen and the servant was still worried about Risseca. Everyone was almost there. The blue mushroom fairies arrived and the Queen welcome them. Everyone was almost ready but still, she never seen Risseca inside the castle. The blue mushroom king was amazed to the beauty of the fairies in their kingdom. The fairies are looking to them and gave them a bow. Female fairies are looking to the son of the king.

“Your kingdom was very blessed. Fairies are all attractive and talented. They are all happy. And this castle, this is beautiful. I have no regret in visiting here.”

“Thank you, we are all beautiful in our kingdom but you have never seen my daughter Risseca.”
“Yes, I never seen your daughter .But all of the news that I always receives said that your daughter has an extraordinary beauty and wings.”

 The queen smiled and look to the son of the king.

“Is that your son?”

“Yes, he is my son .the future king of our kingdom.”

“What is your name?”

“I’m the honest and brave son of my father. Just call me in my name “Prince Ynos”.”

  The queen smiled again. She saw the beguiling eyes of Ynos and remembers the eyes of Risseca. It made her to remember again her daughter and she began to be worried.

“Where is your daughter Risseca? We want to see her. Actually, we visited here to ask your permission to give the hand of your daughter to my son.”

“That’s true my majesty. I want Risseca to be my future wife and Queen of our kingdom.”

  The Queen cant believes on what she heard. She was very happy because the time has come that Risseca are always waiting for. While everyone was still waiting for the princess the Queen tells that it is the time that male fairies should present their dance. The sounds began and the male fairies are dancing gracefully. While the guests are enjoying the presentation of male fairies, princess Risseca fly to go in her mother .she saw that male fairies are dancing. Finally, the Queen saw her beautiful daughter shining because of its wings and lovely dress while Risseca is still enjoying to watch the presentation of male fairies.
   The presentation was done and everyone saw the princess. Everyone is looking at her. Female fairies envied her beauty and the male fairies bow to her. She walks in the center of all fairies going into her mother’s throne. She was shining. The princess thought that male fairies noticed her beauty because they bow to her but she was wrong. The king and Prince Ynos look at the princess, but Prince Ynos didn’t find that Risseca is beautiful. Prince Ynos changed her mind and don’t want to marry the princess anymore. Ynos whisper to his father.

“My father, I don’t want to marry her. She’s ugly and not attractive. Please tell it to the queen. I changed my mind.”

“No, you need to marry the princess .We need to get their kingdom! And after the wedding we can get the power here .when we get the power we will put the princess in the prison and you can find another beautiful fairy here.”

  The queen is looking at her daughter. The princess smiled to her mother and the queen began to speak in front of a lot of guest.

“Listen. This event is for my daughter and to welcome the blue mushroom king and its son, Prince Ynos. I made this event to find a man for the princess and now we already found him.”
  The fairies was surprised and wanted to know the man. The old servant also heard the queen’s announcement. The king is smiling while the Prince wanted to escape because he knows that the queen will introduce her as a future husband of the princess.

“Meet my daughter’s future husband, Prince Ynos.”

   The princess was surprised and very happy. Prince Ynos didn’t want to stand; he looks into his father’s eye and his father look in his eyes that saying to him to stand up.
  The prince stands up and went near to Risseca. The princess smiled at him and the prince gave her a fake smile. The fairies are clapping their hands .Prince Ynos can’t resist that he was going to marry the princess. He run and fly. The king look to the queen and then he followed the prince.

“Where are you going? I’m giving you the hand of my daughter. “

Prince Ynos stop and look at the queen.

“I changed my mind. I don’t want to marry her. She’s not lovely. Sorry, but I really don’t want to marry your daughter.’’

   Prince Ynos fly away in the castle with his father .The queen was shocked, princess Risseca can’t believe it. Her hopes to find a man that will love her in that night was fade. Her heart began to cry and she can’t feel the happiness again. Sadness appeared in her face. The castle remains silent and the fairies are looking to Risseca. The old servant didn’t know what to do because she knows that the loneliness of the princess will be worsens. The princess looks at her mother and the queen look at her. The princess cried and fly away to the castle. The queen tells the knights to follow Risseca but they failed. The night ends in the castle with sadness to the queen and fairies in their kingdom. That night was very different. Every fairy went to their own house while the queen was inside the room and worried to Risseca. The queen is crying when the old servant knock in the door. The old servant and the queen began to have a conversation.

“My majesty, I know how you feel and I know how painful is this for the Princess. We all know that she is beautiful and kindhearted, but I noticed that male fairies have a difficulty to love her.”

“This is all my faults. She’s carrying the curse that I and her father made.”

“What curse? I remember that you mentioned that curse before. But you refused to answer it.”

“Risseca’s father was fell in love with me .we really both love each other. I didn’t know that the powerful witch in the black mushroom kingdom also loves him. Risseca’s father rejected her and he proposed with me a marriage. I marry him and it made the witch to be angrier with us. The witch cursed us that our first baby will be look ugly in the eye of male fairies so that no one will love her. When I gave birth to Risseca the witch saw that we have a happy family, and she casts a spell to my husband and tomorrow he died .Risseca is 3 months old that time. That’s why she never seen her father.”

“That is very sad. I never know the reason why the princess is always sad and now that I know I can feel how sad her life was even if she has a beautiful face and wings.”
“I can’t sleep now; I didn’t know where my daughter is.”
“Don’t worry my majesty, the princess is smart and for surely she will going to miss you and go back home again.”

“Thank you old servant, you’ve been so nice with my daughter since she was young. What I told you is a secret. Don’t tell it to anyone.”

“I will my majesty. I leave now. You need a rest and let the knights find the princess.”

    The queen is looking at the sky and waiting for a falling star. The fairies in the kingdom were sleeping. Princess Risseca is still flying and didn’t know where to go. She’s still crying and thinking about what had happened in the castle. She was very ashamed for herself and didn’t want to go back in their kingdom. Her heart is full of angry and loneliness. The princess was tired because she is flying for how many hours. She saw a big tree and went there even if it is very dark in that place. She fell asleep with her heart broken.
   The sun is rising, and the flowers were blooming. Some Fairies are playing; some were going in the garden of bluebells to find food while the others were talking about what happened last night in the castle. Princess Risseca’s friend Lila was also sad to what happened with Risseca and she’s debating to those fairies that are talking bad things about the princess. The people in the castle are cleaning the mess that was left last night. And the queen, she’s still in her room and still thinking about her daughter .The queen was angry to the king of blue mushroom kingdom and its son but she has no time to think about it because she’s thinking about Risseca.
    Princess Risseca woke up. She stretches her hand and arms and slowly opens her eyes. She looks everywhere but it stills a bit darker in that place.      

“I know, it is already morning. But why is it a bit dark in this place? I can’t see the sun and there are no flowers.

“Who is that? Is there anybody here?

There’s a male voice that is talking .The princess was shocked and she’s looking for a place to hide. The man went near to her and Risseca was stuck in the root of a big tree. The man look at her but his eyes is not blinking. Risseca look into the man’s eyes.

“Are you blind?’

“Yes, and who are you? Why are you here in my home? I have no foods or any precious stone that you can steal here so you better leave.”

“I’ am Risseca from White mushroom kingdom .I’ am not a thief and I sleep here because I’m so tired flying for a very long hour .I’ m sorry, And what is your name?”

“My name is Hesou. It’s ok. Did you know what kingdom you are now?”

“Actually, I didn’t know. I have no idea.”

“You’re in the Black mushroom kingdom. Fairies here are evil so you must leave now.”

“I don’t believe you. You are kind to me how did you say that. You’re telling me that fairies here are evil so it means that you are belong to them, And if they are evil you will be the one to kill me right now. I don’t believe you.”

“I’m not really belong in this kingdom I just escaped from our kingdom and I went here because this kingdom is dark and
 I’ am a blind that’s why I chose to live here.”

“Were the same I also escaped from our kingdom. But it is better if you should not know the reason and if I didn’t know the reason of your escaping from the kingdom you came from.. Ill stays here with you.”

“Ok, I let you to stay here but when fairies enter here find a place to hide until they leave.”

    The two became a good friend. Their friendship became stronger and Risseca feel safe in that kingdom because of Hesou. Hesou became happy and learned to laugh because of Risseca. They’re both comfortable with each other. It seems that these two fairies already buried the hatred and loneliness of their heart.
    Risseca and Hesou were already had their courage to tell their secrets about themselves. One night, they decided to share the reason of escaping their own kingdom.

“It’s been a long time that I didn’t see my mother’s face. I miss our kingdom, the beautiful scenery outside my window and also the old servant that always caring me. The beautiful castle and even the garden of begonia though I’ am not going in that place.”

“You’re living in a castle? What are you doing there? And as far as I know, the garden of begonia can only found in the White mushroom kingdom. Isn’t it that you are from….white mushroom kingdom?”

“Yes, I’ am from white mushroom kingdom and I lived in the castle. Hesou, I’m a princess in white mushroom kingdom.”

Hesou was shocked when he heard that Risseca is a princess. He moves her hand to Risseca’s face.

“I’ am not wondering if you are beautiful because you are from white mushroom kingdom where the most beautiful fairies can be seen.”

“all of us were blessed by a perfect physical appearance but I’ am different from them all, I’m the unfortunate one.”

“That’s not true, Risseca you have the beauty in your heart. And I’m sure that you are beautiful even If I didn’t see you. I’m the unfortunate one because I never have the chance to see your face forever.”

Risseca look to the charming face of Hesou. She felt something that she didn’t felt before. She hold Hesou’s hand and smile.

“Risseca why are you holding my hand? Did I say something that hurts you?”
“No, I Just realized how lucky I’ am to have you. Though I’ am lonely because I miss my mother and our kingdom, you always helping me to become happy.”
“You didn’t know me yet, Risseca I want to tell you something about the real me.”

“And what is that?”

“Were the same”

“What do you mean the same?”

“I’ am a Prince”

“You are a prince? I can’t believe it. May I know what kingdom you came from?”

“I’m a prince in the Blue mushroom kingdom Risseca and my father and my brother are now in that kingdom.”

“I know them. The king and Prince Ynos they went in our kingdom and visited us. My queen mother and your father wants us to be married but when your brother saw me he ran away and changed his mind and that is the day that I also escaped from our kingdom because I was so ashamed for what happened. Tell me Hesou, I feel that they also did bad to you. What they have done to you?”

“My father wants to give his throne in me and he wants me to marry each of the princesses in different kingdom because he wants to get all the power. I refused in his plan and what I want is to become a great knight. My brother Ynos are the one who really wants to get the throne but my father really wants me to get it. He is jealous with me, one night my Father was mad at me because I refused to marry the princess from the other kingdom and my brother Ynos he told our father that he is willing to do all of my father’s wish and then tomorrow morning, someone took me here and gave a letter which he said it is from my father.”

“And what was the letter said?”

“He said in his letter that I’ am not a part of their kingdom anymore .he warned me not to go back in our kingdom because they will going to kill me and he also said that he forget me now as his son because I disobeyed his wish.”

“They are so selfish. Are they also the reason why you became blind?”

“I was cursed because my father killed my mother that is the only reason I know. I don’t know how to remove this curse in me. “

 “Do you have a plan to go back in your kingdom and find a great and good witch that help you to remove that curse.”

“Maybe, but I don’t know.  There’s no reason to remove the curse because I will just only witness the bad things that are happening in my surroundings and if ever I have the chance to see again I just wanted to see your face, that’s It. Let us stop this conversation, it’s getting late, Let us sleep. Goodnight Risseca .I mean Princess Risseca.”
“Goodnight Prince Hesou. Thank you for sharing things with me.”

   The two fairies went in their bed and sleep. While the moon is still high and Hesou is sleeping, Risseca have a dream of their kingdom. The king from blue mushroom kingdom and prince Ynos together with the knights went back in their kingdom and they destroy it. Many of the fairies and knight were killed and the old servant was one of it. Her mother was place in the prison. Some fairies became slave and the beauty of their castle was gone. The mushroom and flowers was destroyed.
  Risseca woke up and her heart is beating fast and her body is shaking. She’s sweating a lot and she cried. She was very scared. Hesou heard her crying and went to Risseca. Risseca hug her very tight.

“Risseca what happened? Why are you crying?”

“I have a dreamed about our kingdom. In my dream, your father and Ynos destroy our kingdom and ruled it. They put my mother in prison and killed our old servant. I wish it’s not true. Hesou, I want to go back in our castle because I have to check if my dream is not true.”

“I’ll go with you Risseca will not let you hurt by my father and Ynos.”

“But Hesou they will kill you.’

“But we are not yet sure if you’re dream is true. And as long as you’re with me I can do everything to protect you.”

   The two went and fly going back to the White mushroom kingdom. They are flying for a very long hour until they arrived the white mushroom kingdom. Risseca was shocked on what she saw. The beauty of their castle was gone. No flowers, big mushrooms, precious stone and even the garden of begonia were destroyed. She can’t believe what had happened in their castle. Her queen mother is not there .Risseca and Hesou hide in a big mushroom. She can’t see any white fairies but only the blue mushroom’s knight and also the king and the prince Ynos who broke her heart.”

“Hesou, my dream came true. It was real.”

  Risseca is crying and Hesou hug her. They look for another place to hide because the knights are going in their place. The two fly but Prince Ynos saw them.

“Where are you going?”  Are you escaping huh? ”My brother, you came back with the princess.”

Prince Ynos laugh and look to Risseca’s eyes and it seems that the prince slowly notice the beauty of the princess. .Risseca was very scared. Hesou hold Risseca’s hand very tight.

“Princess Risseca, my beautiful princess. I wanted to say sorry .I’m so sorry for what I did to you before.”

  Prince Ynos bend his knees in the floor and bow to the princess. The princess cant believed on what she saw. The prince change his way of treating Risseca and it seems that he likes Risseca. She attempts to hold the hand of the princess but Hesou hold her hand and took Risseca far away. They fly very fast. The king can’t believe that Prince Ynos will treat Risseca in a good way. Prince Ynos look at his father and smiled.

“My father. I felt something different now. It seems that I’m falling in love with Princess Risseca. She is the loveliest fairy that I saw. I wanted to marry her.”

“What happened to you Ynos? You rejected her before and now you’re changing your mind?”

“I don’t know but when I saw her eyes I felt the love for her.”

“You are crazy Ynos. Let’s go we need to go in the castle.”

     The king and the prince went in the castle of blue mushroom kingdom .Prince Ynos is still thinking of Risseca’s beautiful face and convincing her father to find Risseca and wed them.
    Risseca and Hesou spend night in the garden of begonia. Risseca can’t sleep and still thinking where her mother is. Hesou is pretending that he is sleeping because he wanted to protect the princess. The two never knew that they fell asleep in the big mushroom until the morning comes. Princess Risseca woke up and looks very far and closes her eyes. She is imagining the beautiful kingdom where she grew up. Hesou woke up and went to Risseca.
  In the castle, Prince Ynos and king were talking and decided to take the queen outside the prison to get princess Risseca’s attention. The knights are finding the princess until they saw the princess together with Hesou in the garden of begonia. They are forcing Risseca to go with them but Hesou is holding her tight. The knights decided to take them both in the castle.
   The king, Prince Ynos and Risseca’s mother are waiting for them. The knight was arrived in the castle with Risseca and Hesou. Risseca saw her mother and she ran close to it. She hugs her mother and her mother cried.

“Mother, I’ m sorry. “

“Risseca, I’m sorry my princess, I didn’t tell you the reason why male fairies have a difficulty to love you. I really miss you my princess.”
“My mother it’s not important anymore. What important is that I’m with you now again. I really miss you too. I’m sorry”

The king looks to Risseca and to the queen. She began to speak and all of them look to him.

“Stop that drama! Risseca you need to marry my son Ynos whether you like it or not “

“No, I don’t want to marry him. What I want to marry in your son Hesou.”

Hesou cant believed on what he heard. Risseca look at Hesou and her mother. Prince Ynos was mad and he shouts.

“NO! You are not going to marry Hesou. He must die first if you will marry him!”

“I love the Princess, and no matter what happen I will not let you to get her. You get all that I have Our father’s trust and his throne but now I can’t let you to get the woman that I love.”

   Princess Risseca was looked up to Hesou and the smile in her lips appeared. She can’t believe that the man he is waiting for a long time was Hesou which she also has a feelings for it. Prince Ynos became angrier and the king decided to set a sword fight between Prince Ynos and Hesou that whoever win the fight he will be the one to marry the princess. Risseca was worried with Hesou because Hesou is blind and Ynos can see. Prince Ynos is very afraid to loose in their fight because he know that even his brother is blind it is the great sword man in their kingdom before. The queen was sent back to the prison with Risseca and Hesou was put into the other jail. Prince Ynos went to his father and started to complain.
“My father, why did you do that? We know that Hesou is highly skilled in using the sword.”

“Shut up! Are you saying that you can’t defeat him?  You are so coward. Show me that you really deserve to be the next king of our kingdom!”

  The day was come. All fairies went to witness the sword fight between Prince Ynos and Hesou. Risseca and her mother are sitting in side of the king. They were very worried .The crowd are full of tension. The knight gave the sword and the armor to Hesou. He immediately wore it. The two princes went to the place where their fight will held. .the gate opened slowly and the two princes appeared. Princess Risseca was looking to Hesou and became more nervous. The fight is starting .Prince Ynos and Hesou get their sword and began the fight. Prince Ynos fly and went at the back of Hesou he attempt to thrust the sword in Hesou’s back but he was failed because Hesou immediately blocked his sword to Prince Ynos sword. Hesou pushed the body of Ynos until it was fell to the ground. Ynos stand and immediately and have a chance to thrust his sword to Hesou’s arm. He cut the other side of Hesou’s wings. Princess Risseca cries and hugs her mother. She feels no hope while the king is laughing while his other son Hesou was bleeding. Hesou was fell into the ground and began to think about Risseca.

“I need to win. I don’t want Risseca to suffer when he marry my brother. I love Risseca .I need to win in this fight.”

   Hesou stand up and start again to have a good fight with Ynos. Hesou gave his best in their fight until Ynos realized that he has no chance to win. He stops in their fight and front to a lot of fairies. Because of Ynos Pride, he thrust his own sword in his body. Hesou came to his brother and Ynos hold his hand. Prince Ynos told his brother to forgive him from all of the bad things he was did. Ynos died and Hesou hug his brother. The king cant believed on what happened and he didn’t noticed that tears was falling in his eyes. Risseca went to Hesou and they hug each other.
  Everyone was very happy. After Hesou won in their fight, His king father gave him the throne before it was put in the prison. Hesou became the king of blue mushroom kingdom. The beauty of the white mushroom kingdom was back and the fairies that became slaves were set free. The white mushroom kingdom became peaceful again. King Hesou and Princess Risseca were married and after their wedding Prince Hesou’s sight was back. Both of them live happy because they already found happiness and contentment in their life. Princess Risseca already found the man that she is waiting for a long time in her life and Prince Hesou became happy and free. The curse was faded .The power of true love made the curse to be gone forever.

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