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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Melancholy by Maela Dumanlag

How could you fall in love to someone , yet you have never met him before? That’s the big question to those who have never love before and even to those who had experience the true meaning of love.
          It’s gloomy Monday and Ela is still sleepy. She dreamed of his imaginary prince charming last night and never wants to wake up. She hates school days but she had no choice. There will be an examination during her first subject. She brushes her eyes, stretch her arms then rush to bathroom and take a bath.
          In the school, after her classes, it’s lunch break so she decided to go in the canteen. And after that she wants to spend her break time in the library. Ela read a novel that something interesting about love and inspiration. When she tried to put the book where did she got it. A man borrowed to her and thankful for her kindness.
          “By the way, I’m Gie a second year of College of Education majoring in English” he said.
          “Oh, really! I’m Ela the same year, same course and same major, what block are you?” she asked.
          “Block B and you?” he answered.
          “Were opposite one, I’m in block A, sorry but I have to go and nice to meet you” she said.
          “And also to you, bye” he replied.
          That’s the beginning of their friendship.
          At the library, whe they were both serious in reading. Ela broke their silence.
          “Gie, can I invite you to go with me because one of my friend celebrating her 18th birthday” she said.
          “Yeah, sure” he answered.
          “Thanks, Saturday 7pmat Silver Hotel in Makati” she replied.
          It’s Saturday in evening, Ela enjoying her night  with her friends when Gie came.
          “Oh! Your late” she said shockingly.
          “Sorry, it’s traffic” he answered.
          “No, it’s ok! I will introduce you to my friends” she replied.
          So, Ela introduce Gie with her friends. However, one of her friend attracted to him and also to her.
          After that event, Ela noticed that Gie were too busy lately and weren’t saw him at their favorite hang-out in libarary. As time goes by, Ela saw him and her friend together in the canteen. They were both eating and talked something funny because they’ve enjoyed. So, Ela distract and disturb them.
          “Hello, guys! Long time no see” she said.
          “Hmmm…Ela I have something to say” he uttered seriously.
          “Really, about what? Something new” she asked.
          “Ah…..I and your friend have an special relationship, you know!!” he respond.
          “Wow, I’m happy to both of you  at least now you find your love one, what are coincidence” she said with bittterness.
          But deep inside Ela was huts on what Gie said because as time goes by, She felt indifferent to him or being fell in love though she broken hearted as early to him. Maybe this is the right time to move on and accept her foolishness on what happened to her.
          Ela was movingtoward in her lunatic experiences when it comes to love and be happy to her love one or important friend for an very short of time spending together…
THE END!!!!  

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