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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shattered Reflection by Abigail Ramos

The sun was up and the cocks were already done with their daily songs. The bed was still occupied while the pillows and blankets were now lying on the floor.
     “Kriiiinnnggg! Kriiiinnnggg! Kriiiinnnggg!” 
Lessly Carey started to move, stretches her body, turn side by side and then

     She woke up realizing that she was now joining the pillows and blankets. Her morning was greeted by a lump of chocolate-coated bread with candles on top of it, spaghetti with grated cheese, hotdogs on sticks and other mouth-watering foods.

     “Hi sweetie! Good morning!” Mrs. Carey said approaching with a small box in her hands.
     Lessly’s eyes gleam with amusement upon seeing a circular gold object decorated with diamonds and other precious stones. It reflected her amused and innocent face.
     “Oh, mom! Thank you so much! This mirror really looks gorgeous and elegant. Where did you get this?”
     “I was able to win and get the highest bid for that most precious thing in an auction when I was in Australia.”
     Lessly hugged her mother tightly.
      “I love you mom! I am so happy to have you as my mother. Thank you for this wonderful gift!”
     “Your welcome sweetie. Happy birthday. I love you.”

     It was almost midnight when Lessly and her friends ended her birthday celebration. She was kind a tipsy but still managed to got home. She went straight to her room and tried to settle her dizziness. While in bed, she get her new mirror from the drawer. She carefully looked at herself into it. She smiled upon experiencing the flattering feeling of seeing her gorgeous reflection.

     “Hi Lessly” The reflection in the mirror began to talk. She blinked her eyes wishing that it was only due to her dizziness.
     ‘’Oh no, I think I am too drunk.” she said.
     “No you’re not.” Her reflection replied.
     Her body chilled with terror seeing her own image talking to her.
     “Don’t be scared. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of yourself. I am just your reflection. I am you.”        
     “No! You’re not true!” She tried to move but she was frozen with nervous and fright.
     “I am true because you’re true. I exist because you exist. What you are seeing now is your own image, your own self. You don’t have to be afraid. I will not kill you. Because if I do, I will die too and it will only result  to your own suicide attempt. “

     The image smiled and reflected an unusual image. Her terror and nervousness was diverted into curiosity and misery.
     “Oh my! What are these lines! What are these spots! I am so ugly! Why is it like this?!”
     She carefully scanned her face. She noticed the wrinkles, eye bags, pimples and dark spots. Her skin was sag. She felt another goose bumps but for now, it was because of her unpleasant looks.
     “That’s why I’m here. You see how ugly I am? That’s how exactly you look like. I don’t want to be forever like this. I know you don’t want either.” The reflection said.
     “Yes, of course! I don’t like! What should I do?!”

     The reflection told her everything that she has to do just to regain her beauty. She applied detergent soaps, toilet cleanser and different ointment of various brand.        
     “Oh well, it’s getting better. Thank you for the advice.”Lessly said while scanning her face in the mirror.
      “Uhm. I told you.” Her reflection replied.

      “Sweetie! What happened to your face?! What did you do?! Her mom screamed upon seeing her dry, exfoliated and damage skin.
     “What are doing to yourself?! Are you out of your mind?”She added.
     “What?! What are you saying? Are you blind or you’re the one who’s losing insanity? I am getting prettier. Don’t you try to fool me!”Lessly blurted.
     “Never ever try to talk to me that way again!”Her mother shouted and slapped her across the face.

      She then turned back and rushed to her room. She scanned her face again in the mirror trying to find out what her mother was talking about. But she noticed that her face got even better.
     “Don’t listen to that old lady.” Her image started to talk again.
     “But she’s my mom. Maybe there is really something wrong with my face.” She replied.
     “She’s only your mom. She doesn’t know how you feel. But me, I know. Believe me because what you are feeling right now is exactly the same with me. I will never put you into danger. Remember? What ever happens to you, it will also happen to me, because I am you.”
     “Ok. Maybe what we did is not enough. I can still see lines and spots in my face. Maybe my mom just over reacted when she saw these things. Please help me again. What should I do?”

     “Oh my God! Sweetie!”Her mother cried in terror upon seeing her scratched and wounded face.
     Lessly was still holding the razor blade with blood stains in it. She looks so exhausted and stressed.
     “Mom, am I now beautiful? Is this enough?” Lessly said.
     “Yes of course you are. This is enough. This is too much! Please sweetie, tell me. Why are you doing this?”Mrs. Carey said.
     Lessly decided to tell to her mother everything about the mirror and her reflection’s advices.

     Mrs. Carey rushed into the room and got the mirror. Threw it and broke it into smaller parts using a knife. She knelt down and sob with trembling body. When she faced up, she was shocked and terrified upon seeing the mirror unbroken and in good condition. She screamed and was very frightened. She get the mirror, threw it over and over again, but this time, it was unbreakable. Her tension and emotion got intensely high when she saw her daughter’s damage face in it. Her anger seems to loosen her insanity.
     “Do you want me to vanish?! Huh! Come on! Kill me! That’s the only way you can get rid of me! And if you don’t, I will be the one to kill you and your daughter!” the mirror shouted.
     “Get lost! Go to hell! Leave us alone!” Mrs. Carey screamed in broken voice and with trembling nerves she got the knife and …
     “Hey mom, what’s happe…….”

The last words that was spoken inside the room with blood stains all over the wall and two lifeless body lying on the floor.

     “So, how was it? I will just repaint the walls by tomorrow morning. Here’s your stuff.” Mr. Kant said while carefully putting down a huge box.
     “Well, it’s good. In fact, better than our old house.” Ivy replied and started to check the cabinets and drawers left inside the room.
     “Yeah. But for the mean time, just enjoy your new room. I will just check the other part of the house.”
     “Dad wait. Take a look at this.”Ivy rushed to her father and showed to him a circular gold object decorated with diamonds and other precious stones. It reflected her amused and innocent face.
     “Oh, this looks gorgeous and elegant. Maybe this was left by the previous tenant. You can keep it if you want. ”
     “Really? Thank you dad.” She smiled and quickly put the mirror inside her bag.

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