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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Deer Deer by Rosemarie Muñez

There once a deer that can't be distinguish of her true color because of the mud that stuck into her. She had been staying beside the river since her lover's mother cursed her about two scores and one year ago. There were many mountaineers had passed there but they never even dared to go closer into her. Not even the hunters hunted her because of the unpleasant smell and a thin feature of her body. Worst, even though her fellow deers and other kind of animals disregarded and didn't let her join in their play.
              The enervate expression of her eyes was shown. She did usually lay down the rocks silently and sometimes stand but didn't bother to have some wanderings within the mountain nor took a time to immerse herself into the water. To get for some foods, she ate only falling fruits every time she heard a "POK!!!" from its nearer area. Slightly she felt the luck when she got more foods one at a time so that she can preserved those beside her until the next day. At least she would not have a frequent walk.
               Everyday, she had a routine poem uttered in the morning:
                              "Let sunlight shines
                                to feel me fine
                                to know my worth
                                that everyday brought
                                though it's hard to live
                                without someone my love I give"
               Then, she ate fruits and gazed up the sky, look around and laid down back. As the moon showed up, she will utter now her nightly poem:
                               "Sleep at night
                                 without someone in my sight,
                                 alone only under the moonlight
                                 how could I possibly fight
                                 this loneliness in my heart
                                 during my sleep at night"
              One night, there was this old man who ran fastly for he was running over that python which wanted to bite him. What he did is, ran, rest, stood up when he knocked down to the darkest area of the mountain. He seemed to be breathless, gasping and was wet because of the sweat that flowed out from his body. That was what he had been when he felt the seemed tracking heartbeat.
               "I am so thirsty, I must drink water no matter what" as the old man spoke to himself.
 Near toward him, he saw the flowing river glistening by the moonlight. His eyes opened wide seemed assuring if that was really a river.
               "Here you are the answer of my thirst."
               With the total excitement that he felt, quickly, he walked near into it without minding the muddy and foul deer. Five steps before he could able to go closer into the river. Accidentally, there happened a contact in the eyes between them, the old man and the deer. He did not know how things turned that way but surely with his two eyes he witnessed the transformation of it. She turned into white-skinned, blue eyes just like a human eye and a healthy body were showed. To convince himself  he stepped forward to the river and fetch water through the used of his palm. After his drink, he did notice himself looking at the water's reflection. His face turned into a face of a young man and a gorgeous one. As he directly looked back again to the deer, still he saw the beauty of it. Immediately, the terror and tracking heartbeat of him had aroused.
               "By just that simple contact between our eyes I turned back my face? I might been en...enchanted???"
               He thought of it and wanted to escape from that horror but he can't even impelled himself and his knees were shaking.
               "Do not fear things that have happened now. I know you are much surprised for it."
               He was trying to search for the owner of the voice and he had been horrified to what he spotted. The old man's face was the same with him when he was still old. The more he was rattled. He attempted to run but the old man ceased him by holding his arms. He tried to drawn back his arms and spoke stammeringly.
               "Le...let me go, wh...who are you?! I've done no...nothing please do...don't curse again!"
               " Fear me not, I'm not going to hurt you. Remember, it was not me who cursed you and your loving "Sweat". It was your mother right?"
               It was in the midst of the night beside the river whom two lovers named Deer and Sweat were embracing and sharing sweet thoughts of love and making their own vow to one another. They made a vow that they were not going to give their relationship no matter how desperate Deer's mother of breaking them up. The real thing was, his mother had already had the woman wanted to be his wife that unfortunately he did not love.
               They were on that scene when Deer's mother came and yelled to them.
               "How indecent you are my son to oppose my command! You are not going to love that woman more!"
               "Mother, forgive me for this but you know how much I love her. Please... I'm begging you, just be happy for us."
               His voice was harshing and held tight Sweat's hands.
               "NO!!! And you woman! I warned you already for not meeting him again but you dismayed me!"
               "I'm sorry ma'am, but I love your son too." as she spoke it almost whispering because of the tears that flowed down from  her eyes.
               "I said NO!!! come and go home with me my son before I'll become impatient or else both of you will be punish!"
               The clamored of Deer's mother had caused him shaken for he know hos mother very well but that didn't change his plan to go away from his mother. Instead, he was eager to run away with Sweat. But then they did not success in escaping because her mother brought a companion who were just hiding behind them. They seemed to be a criminal for they were arrested by those four men and Deer was brought back to their home. Although he exerted his all force and screamed too much but then it still was not enough to actuate them.
               Sweat was left t the mountain in a form of a deer cursed by Deer's mother because a deer is full of horn.
               The total madness of Deer's mother had made her decide to punish him. His mother made him an old man.
               "His beauty as a gorgeous man was the reason why women had admired and loved him. so it must be perish."
               As his mother uttered these words, she felt like she cut her own heart.
               The sorrow that Deer felt was the reason why he left away from his mother.
               Deer was awakened by being fallen into a deep thought when the old man spoke again.
               "I am here to help you, no more no less."
               "But how? How could I trust you? I don't even know you? Give me some assurance."
               "Listen... just listen to me. I just want you and your Sweat be happy again. Alright, I have something to confess you."
               "You said you want to help me and now you want to confess something to me? What the..."
               He was not able to finish his words because the man interrupted.
               "I was the one who hurriedly overtake you awhile ago."
               "What??? Are you playing with me? It was only the python which wanted to overtake me, which wanted to..."
               He paused and confusingly thought for awhile.
               "Oh! a python, you were that python?"
               Then Deer mocked to the old man's ridiculous statement as he thought. Suddenly, he trembled and sweat started to flow out from his body and stepped backward when the old man exclaimed.
               "Yes! I was that python and I'm not playing with you!"
               The old man moved toward him as he stepped backward for he knew that the old man at that moment was seriously speaking.
                "To tell you, I was also cursed by your mother for I couldn't able to love her back. She was the reason why I turned into a python. She treat me like a traitor."
 He sighed and looked away with the tears in his eyes then continue, "Because of that, I
suffered much, I almost died for many times because many people wanted to kill me but thanks God because of that fervent prayers I made, I survived."
               "I still don't get you."
               He stopped, sighed and gave an eye to the old man.
               "You want to help me, right?
               "Yes" the old man answered.
               But why did you run after me and desired to bite me when you were still a python? and now, you turned into a human with the same face that I had when I was still cursed? What else do you want to tell me?"
               " I've been here for three scores that was since when I was twenty-five of my age roaming around the mountain and then I saw you, your woman and your mother quarreling. I also witnessed to what she did to your beloved Sweat."
              When he heard that statement, Deer had suddenly been more curious and interested talking with the old man.
               "So what happened to her?  Did she die? Where is she now? Where could I find her?"
               "When I saw you this evening, I got the hope that I might able to get back myself as a human. It was being said that when I'm going to bite the son of the woman who cursed me, the curse will end. Of course I am willing to do it because I know I will not harm you, I don't have venom, I'm just a python in look but not that whole."
               The old man grinned to his own statement and uttered again.
                "Without knowing that the curse on me will also end if your curse will end too. so here I am?"
                "Fine, you are free now and done with your story I assumed, but I asked you old man if where could I find her?!"
               Deer was blushing because he didn't know why he felt irritated to the old man.
               "Calm down young man, you are no longer find her and no need for any more walk."
                He looked to the old man unconvincingly  with a gap on his mouth.
                "She's here."
                He turned around to look for someone but saw no one. He folded his forehead and spoke.
               "Where? don't tease me old man!"
                "She's here in a form of it."
He pointed into the deer's direction which also staring to them since they had started their conversation. His face was seemed to be puzzle but a pity in his eyes for her was obvious.
                "How could I turn her into a human just like you?"
                "Take her to the river and bathed her. You are the only man who could let her end from her cursed."
                Without any hesitation he went toward the deer but before he reached into it, old man's voice echoed.
                "But remember you cannot just simply take her back into a woman without saying words."
                ‘’Words? what words?"
                "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I couldn't answer that."
                Deer turned back with a folded fore head but a sudden arrow had nearly pierced to the deer. Lucky enough for she was not hit by it. They were hunters wanted to hunt her. He was surprised and was shocked but had fastly recovered. So, he ran toward her to protect her but he was not successful.
                These three, men attacked him, punched him until his mouth bled.
                Please... don't kill her, please."
                He shouted for a help to the old man but he couldn't see him.
                To whom are you asking for help, man? To the trees?" said this one man and the rest laughed.
                "Why are so insane?! You risk yourself just yo protect this deer? We're hungry and you could join us to eat if you want?"
                   Then again they all laughed. Wherein, he got the strength to pick a palm-size stone and threw it into the head to one of those men . The man knocked down and Deer punched the other one, kicked off his manhood and fell down to the ground. The other man tried to avenge him through punching him too but he quickly elude from it and so picked another stone and hammered it to man's head.
                 Hurriedly, he carried the deer to the river, bathed her and brought back to the land.
                 He did not know but the deer showed another form of beauty that was unusual in his sight. Her body glittered, skin whitened as white as snow and horns disappeared. His eyes widened, mouth opened unconsciously and look every part of the deer's body. The words suddenly came out from his mouth.
                  "A dear deer"
                  With the blinked of an eye, a deer was no longer a deer but already a woman named "Sweat."
                  "You came Deer, I've been waiting you for a long time, oohhhh..."
                  She whispered those words with a melodious voice like the voices of unseened immortals whom Psyche heard in Cupid's palace.
                  They both hugged each other with no more words to utter. Only their eyes' expression can say how much they longed each other to be reunited.
                   While the three men cannot believed what they saw, they ran away from them horrified.
                      They finally went home to Deer's house to ask again the consent and blessings from his mother but they found out that his mother had died a day after Deer left her. Somehow, he felt the guilt in his heart but he knew that his mother could able to forgive him.
                      What matters most to him was that he found his long lost woman in life.
                      They started their lives as couple in their neighboring city and was blessed a beautiful baby named "Dear" and promised to bring the happiness in the family forever.

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