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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Agape by Rachel Rosales

   The sound of silence dominates the night with loneliness. The footsteps echo of every resident of the village walking down the street and the rats playing back and forth the fence are heard a few steps from the door.
        Winds are quiet tired blowing up the curtain placed upon the front window. Counted lights were lighted as the night deepened. All doors are closed at exactly 10 o’clock in the evening. This is Vista---- a village where people are united, a place with peace.
        In every door you knocked, a big smile appreciates you. But this house is different, one, two, three to four knocks before it opens with matching lonely face. She is Jasmine. A charming name but lives in the world of silence. She was an eighteen years old at that time. Lots of suitors but no one passed. She was left to her father when her mother was killed by unknown persons which was never given justice. This incident moved her into hopelessness, full of hatred.
        Day turn months, years passed. Changes broaden. Her mind started to matured. People on that village eyes on her, mesmerized with her beauty. A glossy long hair, a rosy cheeks matched with pink pouty lips, a fair color skin that every man walk into desired to touch her. Wearing a  fair lined slippers a flower shaped pin on the left side of her hair with perfect random colors of her shirts make her glows. Her beauty stands out in the middle if the crowd. Like a true princess, like no other, such incomparable women to be with. Villager salivate with envy.
       Walking continuously, suddenly stop. There she was much attracted with a guy on the sidewalk waving his hand to her, smiling and full of joy. She laughs, smile and nodded. Her attention was caught by that guy wearing a shirt with random colors the same with what she has. Both smiling. That was the first time she smiles, a teeth brightens as clear as crystals. That guy was Michael, a kind, manly and pure hearted man, one who witnessed the true beauty of Jasmine.
     Little drops from the cloud covers the village. Counted, but soon gets harder. It’s raining cats and dogs!
 “I have to go home, my father will be mad at me”, she said.
       Jasmine went home and prepare for father’s meal; unlike other she followed everything what his father wants without any make faces, she is afraid of losing her only treasured left to her.
    Calendar turned to another page. Jasmine keeps on blooming from its bud, like a bird that sings and glows facing on the street hoping to see the guy he met before. She was simply caught her attention to Michael.
    A wide portion of mirror cover s the entire room. The only chance she talk to herself.
“Oh! What’s this feeling I had, who was that man I have seen while on my way going home?. Who are you? Why I am being interested in you?”, she said.
“I tried to be numb for those honey tongues I encountered, but this guy is not that kind. He made me smile without any words, she added.
         Suddenly, a sounds like there someone outside. Doorbell rings. Looking outside from the glass window beside the mirror meters away from the door. It was him----- the guy he met before. Jasmine looks pallid, speechless and paralyzed of nervous. Slowly pulling the door, the fastest the heart it beats.
“W-w-why are you here?” she said.
“Hi, I am just three blocks from here, I am always alone so, I tried to get out and have a short visit as well as talk to my neighbors.” He said.
“Oh! Really… she answered.
“By the way, I’m Michael. How about you?”, he asked.
“M-m-me?? I’m Jasmine.” She answered.
“You look familiar, we met before right?”, she added.
“ Oh yeah! You are right,. It was last time that we were both------- (laughing)
“Yes! You are right. Come! Have a seat.” she answered.
Eyes widen, seeing every single piece his eyes can reach. Moving intentionally to pictures ahead.
“Who’s in this picture?”, he asked.
“That, that picture is the only picture I had from my mother. She answered.
“Where is she?”, he added.
“She was killed without knowing who killed her.”, she nodded.
“ I’m sorry. I don’t know..”, he said
“No. it’s okay. More than a decade have passed.
“Michael, thank you for coming here. Let’s talk next time maybe tomorrow. I felt bad.” She said
 “Wait! Nice knowing you again.” She added.
“Same. Thank you. He answered.
        Tears attempt to drop. She walks into the kitchen to get a glass of cold water. Controlling her emotion.Leaning on the glass table. Doorbell sounds so anger. Jasmine quickly move towards the door and look upon it.
“Oh! It was father outside.”, she whispered.
     Open and assist his father to be seated, exhausted. Breathe smells like he drinks beer. She went through the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and a white wet towel put on skin thoroughly.
     The dark started to conquer the village. She sighs. Lying herself to bed, head elevated. Flashing back everything happens. From black shiny hair up to clean and white toes. A pure and masculine voice put her to fall. Her eyes getting close. Imagination turns to dream.
     Fresh dewdrops seen. Sun still hid of the crest. Walking through the village back and forth makes her body to ask for a rest for a minute. Michael was there offered some cold and fresh water.
“Feels good!.”, she said.
     Giving back the bottle of water, eyes were pasted, blinking stops, both smiles freely. Then way back home with a mark word, “I will miss you” from the lips of Michael. The more the heart beats, the fastest the day they were both drowned from the dictation of love.
“I love him. Yes. I love him more than I want to. But…… my father needed me in every way. I love him too. I don’t want to leave him alone.” She said.
   The  following days, they meet most of the time. Without exception love prevails. Love is everywhere. Walking down the street, hands together, laugh together. Feeling day is every day.
    Yes. This day is unintentionally made for everything. Footsteps silence. Freeze. Her eyes widen, hands together slowly separated. Someone looks familiar on the other side of the street near the main streetlight. Looking badly, mad and anger-------yes it was Jasmine’s father. Waving his hand to come with him.
“I have only one simple thing for you to remind about, not him Jasmine, not him.” Father said
“But why father? I love him. She answered.
“H-h-he--- He was the son of the guy who killed your mother—the guy who’s still hiding.  There someone witnessed the case on the court. Evidences are clear. Jasmine, stay away from him. I love you my daughter, we were given the chance to have a justice for your mother. Listen to me please….” Father said.
       Speechless and looks pallid, paralyzed with mixed emotions. Without anything, her feeling burst. Like a child that needs care. Her mind was full of thoughts, like a puzzle to solve that makes her crazy. Full of wrath. Full of questions, questions that seems so unconditional.
“My lord God, why? Why him? Why do I need to choose between? Is it really part of my life? Or as challenge rather? I thought you love every creature you made.? Everything is equal. Why? Answer me please.”, she said.
      Tears flow continuously. Love that flows was questionable. Still confused were her heart belongs to. She loves everything, every single piece that Michael has and her father she treasured a lot. Her face seems so hopeless again. She questioned God’s love. Everything seems unconditional.
_ _ _ _

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