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Friday, March 11, 2011

Broken Glass by Jennifer Perdigon

This was the story of two people in love but blocked by a child. Cindy’s were in 2nd year college at PUP, while Miguel is also 2nd year college at Earist. Cindy was gentle and beautiful, and Miguel also robust and have good will.
                 In a city of Manila, were Cindy and Miguel are met. This is the time that Miguel fall in love with Cindy even before he knew it he had thoroughly loved it immediately. Cindy was gentle and beautiful, so Miguel it’s not impossible to love immediately with Cindy. Until such time as the Court of Miguel to Cindy and until they grow. Miguel was so happy at this time. Cindy answered with Miguel not because he loved him. She wanted to forget the past in the presence of his beloved before. Been difficult even for Cindy's all just forget everything, but she return to fall in love with Miguel. He enjoyed its presence, and when they always had time together with Cindy. Cindy often goes home with Miguel’s house, because Miguel cannot go home with Cindy’s house, due to fear of Cindy's parents that she would have a boyfriend.
                   Ever since, Miguel took care for Cindy. He always love Cindy so much and gave her everything that she needs even thought he got jealous sometimes he always put her trust to Cindy, because ne love Cindy so much. One day, Cindy saw her ex-boyfriend. Cindy loves this guy so much but after a while Cindy got hurt, because she founds out that her ex-boyfriend already had a family. And then, Cindy forgotten everything in the past and she just focuses her attention to love Miguel to be her partner in life, because for them, no one can separate them neither death. Miguel’s family love Cindy so much even though they have some crookedness in their past.
                  One day, Cindy saw Alvin a friend of Miguel. Alvin asks Cindy and he said, “how’s Miguel’s daughter?”.
 Cindy replied,” what? We don’t have child.”
And then Alvin said,” I mean Miguel’s daughter. Remember Jane? Miguel’s daughter from her past girlfriend.”
When Cindy heard it, she cried because she didn’t know that Miguel had a daughter.
                   From that moment, Cindy got confious all the time. She always stare at nowhere every time they are together and then one time, Miguel boldly ask Cindy,
“Honey…is ok? Do you have a problem? You’re always looking like that for a few days. I wondered what’s happening to you.”
And Cindy just looks up into Miguel’s face and cried.
                   Cindy felt so much hurt. She talks to Miguel and she said,
“Do you know I loved you so much and I didn’t lie to you nor cheat you? I always tell you the truth but how this things happen to me?”
Cindy cried out loud. Miguel tried to comfort her but Cindy run away fast.
                   After two weeks, Cindy realized that she can’t live without Miguel, so Cindy went to Miguel’s house to have a talk.
                   When Cindy was in Miguel’s house, she saw a child playing. Miguel hugs Cindy tight like he misses her so much and then he called her daughter and introduce it to Cindy. It was so painful to Cindy to see Miguel’s daughter and she admit it that she can’t take the pain anymore.
                   She run fast and decided to live away with Miguel even if it is so hard to her because she love Miguel so much.
                    After 2 years, Cindy graduated as a nurse as well as Miguel as an architect. After their graduation, Cindy decided to work outside the country trying to forget everything and live a life without Miguel on her side.
                   Years had past, Cindy and Miguel found a new love life but even though they have a new life and a new partner in life, they always remember each other. Because they knew that they still love each other and their memories will be forever in their heart.

                 This was the story of a family who had suffered from nature destruction, in the city of Tangshan. There was a family named Zheng. Mr. and Mrs. Zheng have a twin, a girl and a boy. They are a happy family. Fang Deng Zheng, the older twin sister of Fang Da Zheng always got jealous on him, because Fang Deng thought that her parents loved her brother Fang Da, as much as she received from her parents.
                      One day, Tangshan stuck by a huge earthquake. The whole city was destroyed by that natural disaster. Mr. Zhang died on that point. Mrs. Zheng survived but the twin brother and sister are trapped on the middle, the debris. Mrs. Zheng asks for the help to save her twins.
The rescuer told Mrs. Zheng, “We can’t save both of your children.”
Because when the survivor try to dig the debris on one of the child will collapsed.
The rescuer asks Mrs. Zheng, “you choose, which one you want to save?”
Mrs. Zheng beg the rescuer to save them both.
But the rescuer said, “We can’t.”
Mrs. Zheng decided and told the rescuer, “please, save my son.”
But her daughter heard what she said.
Fang Deng the daughter of Mr. Zhang cried when she heard her mother’s decision.
 When Fang Da rescued together with Mr. Zhang’s body, they lived the city unknowingly that Fang Deng was still alive.
Fang Deng adopt by one of the official soldier. Every time in Fang Deng’s mind she heard her mother’s voice begging the rescuer to save her twin brother.
She always ask herself, “why my mother didn’t choose me to save instead of my brother?”
Fang Deng was so disappointed.
                        For 32years, she always ask herself, “why not me?”
32years after the Tangshan disaster, earthquake stuck again somewhere in Japan. Fang Deng volunteered to help. Incidentally, Fang Da was also volunteer on that tragedy. On that time, Fang Deng recognizes her twin brother and approach him. Fang Da didn’t realize that his twin sister was still alive. He was shock but he was so happy.

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