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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Fate Weaver by Christopher Matthew Llorente

Would you sacrifice everything just for the sake of loving someone? have you ever felt how hard it is choosing roads where there is no certainty? Sacrificing everything just for the sake of that person? And because of their different views in life, their destinies did not really meet at the same point which they dreamt it to be.
          There is a baby born in a place in Japan called Miyazaki. In one of the noblest of families of Feudal Japan. His father a great warrior of the local Daimyo. And his mother who is a simple woman that is intelligent, kind, loving mother and wife to her family. Then years passed by, the boy grew with great stature and beauty. That he can be considered as a God of the Heavens. Trained by own father the ways of the Bushido. The warrior code of their culture. To become a great warrior. The boy’s name is Hiromitsu. He is very fond of nature, and he would often go to the fields and rivers to enjoy its beauty. Then on one occasion while walking by the woods, he saw a woman so beautiful and fair that he thought that she is a Goddess in that place. This woman’s name is Aiko, and then after being amazed by this great beauty, he heard a rustling in the nearby bushes. And suddenly bandits sprang and rushed to the defenseless girl who are about to molest and rape her. Hiromitsu upon seeing this stood up and raced towards the wretched demons and killed them one by one by the sword. Then Aiko who was still in shock stood up and thanked the young man who saved him. And after that event, the two became the greatest of friends. They would walk and rest by the

nearby fields, and help one another when

one of them gets into trouble. The two friends eventually had this indescribable feeling of affection towards one another. But they would not show it for fear it would destroy their fragile friendship. And Hiromitsu would write in his journals his true feelings and desires towards his beloved friend.
          Then as years passed by. The Barbaric Mongolian Hordes of Genghis Khan were annihilating everything in their path. China was being conquered and also the Korean states. Then Genghis Khan turned his eyes next to Japan as the next victim of their ruthlessness. Then the Japanese monarchs upon knowing the imminent Invasion called up for arms every able bodied men to fight against the Barbarians. And Hiromitsu was obliged to fight for he is a vassal of the current Daimyo in their land in Miyazaki.
          When Hiromitsu told her of the Bad news. Aiko pleaded him not to go, for fear of losing him. And it came to a point in letting him choose If she would choose him for she fears of death. But he assures her that nothing will happen to him and will return safely when the Barbarians are defeated.
          Then these started the days of hardships for Hiromitsu  as he was assigned to a legion and for his great reputation he was being placed as commander of five thousand men. He was stationed on the great fortress of Edo. A majestic castle with eight towers in a octagonal pattern with high walls. And each tower holds fifty to a hundred archers that can shoot and kill everything in their sight. Hiromitsu said to himself that this fortress is impenetrable. Then one night while taking a steam bath in the common bathhouse. He heard someone calling him. Hiro.. Hiro.. Hiro.. And he was startled by the voice and he thought it was just someone playing tricks on him. So he shouted and cursed words at the unknown being. But suddenly a man in a white cloak suddenly appeared to him on the front door and said to him: you will be victorious in all your battles. And he took a brown bracelet from his cloak and gave it to him and said to him in a hoarse voice.. with this you shall win, conquer and subjugate your enemies. But one you accept this gift from me, your sould shall be mine forever. Everything precious to your heart must be forgotten. And Hiromitsu thought long and hard. And he said to Himself that if would take it. He can defend and bring honor to his motherland. But in effect, he will lose Aiko forever. And if he would not take the offer of the cloaked mysterious man. The mongols might conquer Japan and for sure his beloved friend would die in the hands of the invaders. And after thinking long and hard, he decided to take the bracelet. And the man said to Hiromistu: a wise choice young one. And so the day of death had come.. The Mongols overran the armies at their borders. Destroying everything and killing everyone in their path.
          And the day arrived when the Mongols reached Edo and was attacking the castle walls. Hiromistu rallied the men with him and fought the Horde with bravery and honor. And the days came and the Horde was now running out of troops and supplies. They now needed to replenish everything otherwise they would have to retreat and accept defeat.
          Then the Emperor, knowing the imminent defeat of the Mongols, considering their advantage. The emperor ordered Hiromitsu to pursue the enemy and wipe them out once and for all.
          Then the day of the final battle has come at last. Hiromistu rose at dusk and prepared everything for his departure. He took a hot bath, and prepared everything for his departure where there is only death, ate his morning meal and dressed on his elaborate armor and sheathed his doubled edged sword that can slice a hair in half. And went off to the army camp with his horse.
While on the way he noticed something.. He forgot to wear the magical bracelet that was given to him that can win battles. But it is late to go back for they were already on their way to the enemy camp. He just prayed to the God’s for protection for there is nothing more he can do.
          Then the battle had now begun. Arrows from both sides flew like rain from a storm cloud. Hiromitsu led the army with everything he’s got. But a single arrow shot flew from nowhere and hit him in the chest. They were victorious, but unfortunately he did not survive the wound.
          Then his beloved friend Aiko heard the news. At first she could not believe it. For days she kept on praying that it is not true. But the day came when Hiromitsu’s body was being brought to their hometown and was being venerated as a hero. When she heard of it, she could not find the courage to look at his lifeless body. Rather she said to herself that she would rather die than live in sorrow.. She took poison and killed herself. Then the cloaked man suddenly reveals his true form, and he is a God of the Heavens, and he took both of their souls and put them together in a Jar which contains happiness, and they were there joined together for eternity.

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